It is crucial to realize that the discipleship journey is chiefly about the person you are becoming.

As such, one of the most important parts of the whole-life discipleship process is learning to see yourself as a whole person.

It’s NOT possible to be wholly-formed, fully-alive, or deeply-human otherwise.

For this we use a tool called the JourneyCompass.

This is you as a whole person.




Creative / Imaginative





Christ at Center

This is your interior world

  • Intellectual - the part of your world that is curious, that learns, explores, solves problems, discerns truth, remembers

  • Emotional - the part of your world that feels, deepens understanding, and responds to truth, beauty, goodness

  • Creative/Imaginative - all the ways you reflect the creativity of your Maker and hold together understanding and wonder

  • Financial - how you think of and use money very often highlights your deepest values, dreams, fears, hopes, and goals

This is your exterior world

  • Social - the network of relationships and dynamics within which you operate and trade influence

  • Marriage/Family - the family you’re born into, marry into, create and disciple

  • Physical - your embodied existence - your body, health, exercise, rest - your interaction with things like food, place, creation, and the built environment

  • Vocational - what you do with the waking/working hours of your day - how you reflect God and what you contribute to society

Christ at Center - In all of this, Christ is the center and bedrock of your identity - and your union with him, by the Spirit, is what guides, shapes, and directs your formation in every Dimension.

To be a fully-alive-and-deeply-human, whole-life disciple is to be Christ-formed in all 8 Dimensions.

Want to know more?

Explore the 3 Needs in Whole-life Discipleship