The New Adam Project offers whole-life discipleship resources that help you become a more fully-alive-and-deeply-human follower of Jesus.

We do this through teaching a whole-life model of discipleship, using our JourneyCompass:



Creative / Imaginative



Marriage/ Family



Christ at Center

and through resources focused in three key areas:

*Examples, some in development


  • Videos

  • Writing

  • Courses


  • Habit Cultivation

  • Mindset Training

  • 1-on-1 Direction

  • Digital Community

  • Retreats

  • Workshops


These three areas are not some new formula or tactic. Not at all. Rather, we believe these are drawn from the practices of the first generation of disciples who did not physically walk with Jesus.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).

Indeed, Learning, Formation, and Community are three crucial ingredients that are essential to cultivate the strong soil out of which whole-life disciples might grow and flourish.

Our resources will help you:

  • Understand and explore the whole-life model that leads to flourishing

  • Think more clearly about everything in your life through a theological framework

  • Grow in your understanding of Scripture and learn how to responsibly interpret the Bible

  • Develop habits and rhythms that form you into the image of Jesus

  • Repattern your thinking so that your brain works with you rather than against you

  • Discuss theology and following Jesus with other believers

  • Overcome hangups and misunderstandings that have stunted your growth

  • Have a place to ask your questions and get them answered

  • Love and follow Jesus with your whole-self - with all your heart, soul, and might

Why are we doing this?

Well, from a theological perspective, because this is what it’s all about:

Because this is what God designed humans to be: fully-alive-and-deeply-human images that partner with him in the creative ordering and stewarding of this world, and that productively reflect God’s glory throughout this earth by fulfilling this vocation.

And also because that’s what Jesus the Christ came to put back to rights: he became a man in order to live the perfect human life that Adam and Eve failed to live, to atone for their (and our) missing the mark, and to trail-blaze a path in which all who follow him might become more fully human and live as authentic (truly human) images of God, in loving union with him - both now, in the world he created, and forevermore in the New Earth.

This is the theological and narrative framework that shapes God’s creative and redemptive purposes for humanity in Scripture. As such, we think it should guide our approach to following Jesus in everyday life.

But in another less-lofty and more-practical sense, we’re doing it because of the need for it. In our opinion, there’s simply a missing focus on the fully human life in most discipleship materials available today.

God has redeemed all of you. And he’s in the process of transforming all of you. So following Jesus should reflect this reality with a whole-life approach.

Learn about our whole-life model here: